Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Blancanieves y los siete enanitos

La malvada madrastra de Blancanieves decide deshacerse de ella porque no puede soportar que la belleza de la joven sea superior a la suya. Sin embargo, Blancanieves consigue salvarse y se refugia en la cabaña de los siete enanitos. A pesar de todo, su cruel madrastra consigue encontrarla y la envenena con una manzana. Pero la princesa no está muerta, sólo dormida, a la espera de que un Príncipe Azul la rescate.

Directed by: Ben Sharpsteen, David Hand, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, Wilfred Jackson, William Cottrell
Year: 1937 | Duration: 88 min
Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Starring: Adriana Caselotti, Hall Johnson Choir, Roy Atwell, Stuart Buchanan
Country: USA
Language: Arabic, English

This is the story of a sweet and innocent young lady whose name was Snow White; she was a princess who suffered the rejection of her evil stepmother: The Queen Grimhilde; her mother died when Snow White was a baby and her father married again. The queen has a deep hatred for her stepdaughter, and the princess suffered for it. However Snow White never lost hope that one day will find her true love.
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