Contracted: Phase II

Contracted: Phase II (2015)

Contracted: Phase II retoma la acción justo en el punto que la dejaba su predecesora.
Empieza con la disección del cadáver de la pobre Samantha, para centrarse rápidamente en Riley, el más reciente portador de la repugnante y virulenta enfermedad que conocimos en el primer filme.
El joven tratará de localizar el origen de la plaga, mientras intenta mantener a raya la degeneración de su cuerpo.

Contracted: Phase II
2015 film
It’s spreading – After Contracted unleashed the world’s most horrifying virus, this sequel picks up the story as newly infected Riley races against time to contain the outbreak, even as it ravages his own body. As he digs deeper into its origins, Riley attracts the attention of a Detective who doubts his innocence, and BJ himself, who holds the key to the virus – and perhaps the destruction of mankind as we know it, leading to a blood-soaked finale you have to see to believe. Hang on to your barf bags, buckle up, and get ready for the genre ride of the year.

Release date: September 4, 2015 (USA)
Director: Josh Forbes
Running time: 1h 18m
Film series: Contracted Film Series
Genres: Horror, Drama, Thriller,
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