The Day of the Jackal

Sinopsis Chacal (1973) La OAS, un grupo ultra francés, contrata a un asesino profesional, cuya verdadera identidad nadie sabe, conocido como Chacal para que acabe con la vida del general De Gaulle, Presidente de la República Francesa. La policía francesa descubre el plan e inicia una operación contrarreloj para localizar y detener al asesino.

Movie title: The Day of the Jackal
Movie Snipers
Release year: 1973
Movie genres: Drama; Thriller
Directors: Fred Zinnemann
Actors: Edward Fox, Terence Alexander, Michel Auclair, Alan Badel, Tony Britton, Denis Carey, Adrien Cayla-Legrand, Cyril Cusack, Maurice Denham, Vernon Dobtcheff, Fred Zinnemann
Movie duration: 143 min.
The Day of the Jackal film was produced in 1973 and it belongs to Drama genre. Famous actors as Cyril Cusack, Maurice Denham, Adrien Cayla-Legrand make this Drama film so great. Yes, The Day of the Jackal is one of the hottest film in Drama genre in 1973. Such actors like Edward Fox, Denis Carey, Tony Britton made this epic film even better. Movie running time: 143 minutes. This movie is not only a fantastic must see and dynamic film, but it is created to be a top.

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